For several years, all types of films, shots, and documentaries have been made, in an array of styles. Some have won and competed in film festivals, promoting writing, acting, and directing. Take a look at many and see what resonates with you while browsing, and please contact us (at the page link available above) with any questions, curiosity, inspiration, or interest in collaborating.

Artificially Speaking

The Evolution of Communication
A woman awaits news from afar. Featuring Shay Denison and Genetra Tull. Considered in 3 film festivals. Produced by Diana Suko, Music by Radarshade, Written, edited and directed by Todd Lampe,
Release date: 4-19-2023

This year marks many years, already, since Michael Jackson's unexpected death. Shortly after, there was an upsurge in the presence and voices of his fans that for years had been quiet. “The Way He Makes Them Feel” focuses on Michael Jackson’s fans, from all walks of life and backgrounds, amplifying how one man changed and affected the lives of so many in both gentle and dramatic ways. This insightful documentary reveals how people discovered him and are impacted by him, not only in his life – but also after his death. In “The Way He Makes Them Feel”, witness how one man inspires countless others, in so many diverse ways, and the way he makes them feel about themselves and the world.. This documentary spotlights the deep impact Michael Jackson has made on his fans even after his passing. From all over the world, meet fans of all ages, religions, backgrounds, and races who found solace and inspiration from one man – Michael Jackson.
Produced and Directed by Todd Lampe, ErinRose Widner, Joelle Arqueros
Release date: 8-29-2010
The Way He Makes Them Feel
Where does artificial fruit flavoring come from? Artificial fruit, of course. Holly Hockenberry owns an artificial fruit farm, maintained by overworked gardener Sparky Schlosser. The farm is caught in the middle of a scandal regarding a case of tainted artificial fruit. Some questionable companies may be involved in a massive cover-up, which has caused the farm's profit to plummet. Starring Alan Sues, Karen Rambo, Lou Wagner, Michael Ciccolini, Elizabeth Coñejo, Directed by Todd Lampe.
Release date: 8-11-2008
2010 Precipice Productions Senator Algore has been trying to tell his story for years, but no one has been listening... Years ago, penguins were brought to zoos all across America. Somehow, word got back to Antarctica about a better lifestyle in Southern California. Now, swarms of penguins are floating to America on ice chunks. In this riveting comedic documentary, we hear first-hand testimonials of near encounters with penguins, witness their invasion of our communities, and how they are starting to make our lives...inconvenient. Starring Lance Reifschneider, Eric Matikosh, Rasika Mathur, Jenny Mollen, Frank Walton, Minh Nguyen, Lisa Wardell and Brianna Haynes. Music by Austin Haynes. Written and Directed by Todd Lampe.
Release date: 4-19-2010
Chance Meeting
Deserted: The Ultimate Special Deluxe Director's Version of the Platinum Limited Edition Collection of the Online Micro-Series

An Inconvenient Penguin
Lights! Camera! Action Hero! In the movies, action actors are always receiving bad news. They have to learn how to somewhere. Blythe (Samantha Montgomery) and Dakota (Michael Ciccolini) teach a course called "Action Acting for the Acting Actor". Here, they instruct Brettt Riffle (Lance Reifschneider) and a collection of other Hollywood hopefuls how to be strong, yet vulnerable while onscreen. Hence, "Strongerable". The results are hilarious, and you will recognize many of the exercises used in the class. Starring Michael Ciccolini, Samantha Montgomery, Lance Reifschneider, David Leggett, Mitchell Roché, Frank Walton, David Brinn, Jamal Sterling, Mark Kivisto and Paul Horton. Written by Samantha Montgomery & Michael Ciccolini Produced by Michael Ciccolini, Todd Lampe, and Samantha Montgomery. Directed and edited by Todd Lampe. Music by Marc Aramian. Winner of the best short film award at the Lancaster Film Festival in New York, 2006.
Release date: 12-11-2003
The Language of Laundry
In this charming homage to early silent films, a man and woman meet in a laundromat and discover they have more in common than they realize. Starring Casie Tabanou, JR Nutt. Written and directed by Todd Lampe Music by Myles Lampe. Official Selection of Dances with Films Film Festival, 2010
Released: 5-11-2009
Chance Meeting focuses on a man and woman who meet in a park. They try to make small talk feel comfortable. This riveting and provocative short has won acclaim at several festivals across the country, including an official selection at Dances WithFilms 2006. Starring Geoff Erwin and Lisa Wardell, Produced by ErinRose Widner, Written by Marcy Kennedy, Directed and edited by Todd Lampe
Lost in the middle of nowhere, an eclectic band of characters try to figure out where they are, why they are there and just what went wrong, exactly. Zach wakes up to discover he is lost and abandoned in the middle of the desert. Soon he discovers several others are in the same predicament including: Lily, Huck, Stocke, Barley, Chloe, Sanjina, Dude, Dim, Sum and a mysterious French-Canadian woman who wants to lead them out of the desert or further into it. Check out Deserted a hilarious spoof of a very popular television show where characters are lost on network TV. Starring and produced by ErinRose Widner, written, directed and edited by Todd Lampe.
You can read a synopsis of each episode at the bottom of our page here:

The very first short film for Precipice Productions is about a writer who is blocked and approaching a deadline. He takes a nap but when he wakes up he finds a complete script and is not sure when or how it happened. But when starts exploring he is shocked and surprised by his discovery. Featuring Todd Lampe, who also wrote, directed, and edited it, joined by Tacoma (RIP) and Produced by Bob Favarato.
Released: 12-17-1999
Where it all started...

The next short we did was a simple situation; someone who's roommate is a recycler and went on vacation. He asked the friend he was living with to sort them in tine for the donation house come pick them up, with unusual results. Starring Bob Favarato, and Warner Monroe. Directed and edited by Todd Lampe.
Released: 5-20-2000

A young waitress wakes up, realizing she is late for work. She struggled to get ready as everything she tried seemed to go wrong the harder she tried. This is a silent film, shown as an homage, a tribute to inspiring ones from 100 years ago. Starring Warner Murose, Directed, written, and edited by Todd Lampe, Produced by Bob Favarato
Released: 8-21-2000

A woman is bored on a Saturday night and calls "Cinemaphone" to find a movie she should see. A series of questions follow and get more confusing and unusual as she struggles with pressing the right numbers, with hilarious results. Starring Stephanie Silverman, Written by Michael Ciccolini, Directed and edited by Todd Lampe, Produced by Bob Favarato
Released: 5-20-2002

Wayne and Annie need to sell their house and are doing so without a real estate agent to help. Unfortunately, Annie gets paged by the medical center she works for, right after the potential buyers arrive, and sometimes things don't always go as planned in this comic caper. Starring Jenny Mollen, Mary Fanto, Mitchell Roché. Written & Directed by Todd Lampe
Released: 10-23-2002
In this comedic short, a just-married couple (Casie Tabanou, Mark Kivisto) starts opening their wedding gifts. Their gifts range from the traditional to the unusual to the unidentifiable. But what happens to the passed present? Starring Casie Tabanou, Mark Kivisto, and Floyd VanBuskirk. Written and Directed by Todd Lampe.
Released: 2-16-2003
In this comedic Halloween short, created for AMC and shown for Halloween, a woman wakes up from sleeping to investigate the unusual situation. Starring Jenny Mollen and Jason Rockney. Written and Directed by Todd Lampe, Produced by Bob Favarato.
Released: 10-30-2003
The Silent Partner
Separating Anxiety
Out of Sync
In A tragically hysterical story about a girl making peace with her worst enemy. Written by and starring Mary Fanto. Featuring Erin Daniels, Richard Jacques, Shari Arnold. Directed and edited by Todd Lampe. Official winner of The Santa Monica Film Festival 2003, official selection at South by Southwest 2003
Released: 2-16-2003
Passed Present
What Was That?

A woman picks up developed pictures from the grocery store, only to be confused by the contents and investigates. She discovers something highly unexpected. Starring Jayme Jansen, Written and directed by Todd Lampe, Produced by Bob Favarato
Released: 10-30-2003

People Discuss and show their one passion in life that continues to motivate and inspire them. Featuring Jay Davis, Elizabeth Corñejo, Mark Rubb, Dina Demetrius, and Ross Byram. Inspired and directed by Todd Lampe and produced by Bob Favarato
Released: 8-14-2004
From Chameleons to Chocolate
Four college girls live in the same place, but it seems someone forgot about the leftovers way back in the refrigerator before they went on vacation. Starring Casie Tabanou, Ali Spuck, Jamey Jesnsen and Erin. Written and directed by Todd Lampe produced by Bob Favarato
Released: 10-14-2004
Que Pizza
A pizza ordered during playoffs in baseball is very late, and when called to complain, there was an apology.The driver showed up with a free pizza...and something else entirely unexpected, which was quite an unordinary major mistake. Directed and edited by Todd Lampe, Produced by Bob Favarato,

Starring Rasika Mather, who also wrote and plays several characters, "Nilam Auntie: An International Treasure" is an eye-opening comedy and exposer of Nilam Bhatnagar, the lauded threading maven, shaadi entertainer. Laxmi Harjoshi digs deep into Nilam's upbringing as a child orphaned at the steps of the Ganges River. There, uncovering her struggle to become educated, the language barriers that she couldn't quite overcome, and the indignant ways in which she earned an income. Her patient efforts to find love in the latter years of life pay dividends in a strange twist that leads to her redemption.Released: 9-4-2009
Two men approach a furniture store, looking for the owner. What this least to is an ongoing search for "the sofa" as they travel from building to building, with unpredictable, surprising results. Featuring Frank Walton, Michael Ciccolini, Mitchell Roché, ErinRose Widner and Stephanie Silverman. Written, directed and edited by Todd Lampe, produced by Bob Favarato. Released: 9-18-2006
A routine drive turns unordinary and reveals a mysterious journey...or memory? An experimental short from Todd Lampe.
Released 11-11-2015

Que Pizza
Nilam Auntie: An Inernational Treasue
The Leftovers

DESERTED - EPISODE 1 "Lost in the middle of somewhere".
An eclectic band of characters try to figure out where they are, why they are there, and just what went wrong, exactly.
DESERTED - EPISODE 2 "The shaming of the two"
With Zach (Lance Reifschneider) and Huck (Mark Hengst) about to have an arid throwdown, Sanjina (Rasika Mathur) whips out some perfectly clean notepads for everyone to vote for a new leader (who will be the survivor?); Chloe (Kelly Walker) flashes back to a mysterious encounter; Barley (Bennett Dunn) protects his kilt; Lily (ErinRose Widner) sneers as something mysterious and unusual happens in the desert. The rest of the group looks on in bewilderment. Guest starring in episode two: Ali Spuck
Sum (Rosa Tran) tries to explain something to the group, but they have trouble understanding; Dim (Mick Nguyen) flashes back to a mysterious moment before he became stranded in the desert; Barley (Bennett Dunn) reveals a secret from within his kilt; no one in the group dies; a stranger with a strange accent arrives. Guest starring in episode three: Samantha Montgomery
DESERTED - EPISODE 4 "The obligatory recap episode"
Recently, on Deserted. Also, a bit more recently on Deserted. Even more recently than the last time, on Deserted. Currently, on Deserted. And, finally, next time, on...Deserted. (complete with pointless narration)
DESERTED - EPISODE 5 "...and then there were eight...and a pig"
With the group desperate for answers, they begin to split up into smaller groups and are even more desperate for answers. The Crazy French Canadian Chick (Samantha Montgomery) takes Zach (Lance Reifschneider) and Lily (ErinRose Widner) to her secret hiding place; Sanjana (Rasika Mathur) discovers an untimely fate for a few of the desertees; Lily flashes back to an unusual and mysterious occurrence.
Guest starring in Episode Five: Samantha Montgomery, Ryan Kelley, and Michelle Mellgren.
DESERTED - EPISODE 6 "The fears of a clown"
More wandering in the desert as the group begins to split up in search of various things. Stock (Eric Matikosh) has a flashback to a previous time when he was more able; Zach (Lance Reifschneider) and Lily (ErinRose Widner) are forced to blindfold themselves at the hands of the Crazy French Canadian Chick (Samantha Montgomery). Guest starring on episode 6: Michael Ciccolini, Aaron Niemann and Mike Babbitt.
DESERTED - EPISODE 7 "Me clan, McClan"
Dude's (Eddie Bonilla) appetite gets him and Sanjina (Rasika Mathur) lost in the desert. Barley (Bennett Dunn), Chloe (Kelly Walker), and Dim (Mick Nguyen) are also lost in a completely different part of the desert and come across some interesting non-indigenous animals; Lily (ErinRose Widner) and Zach (Lance Reifschneider) realize the Crazy French Canadian chick has abandoned them. Guest starring in episode 7: Alejandra Widner and Steve Marvel
DESERTED - Episode 8 "Bread and Butterscotch"
Dude (Eddie Bonilla) continues his bizarre flashback...as we discover more about the group and what happened to them before they wound up in the desert, the chipper tour guide (Alejandra Widner) takes them to a mysterious place. Sanjina (Rasika Mathur) and Dude (Eddie Bonilla) lose their trail in the desert; Sanjina flashes back to her unusual meeting with a guru. Guest starring John Judy.
DESERTED - Episode 9 "Angel in the Stars"
One of our actors was arrested for driving to a liquor store without a liquor license,(the laws are weird in the desert), setting fire to a crew member's dog house, and also breaking into one of the cast members' house to try and find a rare collectible of uncertain value. You know what that means....this week, someone is going to DIE on DESERTED. (note: the recent unfortunate scandalous events that have taken place have nothing to do with the death of the character the actor plays on the show and no inference shall be made in any way to indicate this. It was in the script all along. Really.)
Sanjana (Rasika Mathur) and Dude (Eddie Bonilla) encounter a stranger in the desert (Michelle Thorn); Barley (Bennett Dunn) discovers a possible change of luck; Stock (Eric Matikosh) tries to protect the group from danger. Directed and Edited by Todd Lampe, Produced by ErinRose Widner. Story and concept by ErinRose Widner & Todd Lampe.
DESERTED - Episode 10 "The Lindelof Device"
A mysterious interviewer arrives in the form of a film, that may or may not reveal theories about why the group are in the desert. Guest starring Mark Lampe & Sherrie Schneider.
Deserted Episode 11 "The beginning at the end"
A stranger (Matthew McNutt) from the past, present or future arrives at a random research facility to explain what happened where he came from. Find out what caused the desertees to become deserted in the first place. Starring Michelle Mellgren, Michael Ciccolini, Mark Lampe, & Le Cochon.

Deserted episodes

© 2025. All rights reserved.
Herkamayah and Precipice Productions have been creating music, writing, and films since 1999, in Studio City, CA
Explore our creative journey.